For Payers

Clinical Audit Programs

KSP strives to not only provide optimal patient care, but accurately bill and partner with our insurance providers. The clinical team looks to be financially responsible by using equal therapies at lower costs in generic form before transitioning for approval of tier two or three medications. The staff are trained to document on the prescription any patient/provider notes, clarifications, rejection overrides, prior authorization diagnosis comments, etc. KSP has demonstrated to be extremely accurate after multiple third party audits.

In the event you want to notify KSP of an audit, you can contact Pharmacy Supervisor Thomas Joseph, MS, RPh, at 248-951-6806 or email In addition, faxed notifications are accepted at 248-951-6530.

Becoming a Preferred Plan

In the rapidly changing landscape of specialty pharmacy, we are constantly working to provide better care for our patients, improve costs and provide better services. Whether it is receiving access to numerous limited distribution medications, updating contracts with various insurance providers or improving physician resources, we are always proactively looking for new opportunities to improve our services to our patients and our clients.


  • KSP received URAC accreditation in August 2020.
  • KSP received ACHC accreditation in June 2021.